To-Do on Site
This is just for my personal tracking. Might as well be public, eh?
- Add Projects page
- Added project page and project.yaml to add new ones. pretty easy.
- Implement sitemap
- Implement syntax highlighting
- Maybe not done…I’m not really happy with the coloring of the syntax. Keep thinking on it.
- Research SEO plugin for Jekyll
- Implement jekyll-seo-tag Plugin
- Search
- Research search (lawl) (lunr perhaps?)
- Implement search
- I ended up going with Simple-Jekyll-Search following this tutorial
- Implement categories
- Look into jekyll-archives
- Categories page
- /categories is live. Not sure I need archives?
- Display categories on post’s
- Featured image perhaps?
- This is implemented in post. Maybe still add it to main page?
- Pagination
- Pages
- Next/Previous post links
- Keep working on getRandomColor.js to give links different colors instead of all the same.
- I’m going to call this fine for now. It might be too colorful, can always change it later…
- Add <–more–> for continue reading
- Again. Not sure I’m happy with this. Leave it for now.
- (I added excerpt_separator to _config.yml. as well as edited blog.html to add button beneath excerpt)
- Style blockquotes
- All I did was italic and padding left/right
- Test :)
- Thing 2